Headshot Tips
Generally speaking , making sure you have a good headshot session is mostly a matter of common sense. Since we are trying to capture an image that will represent you for some time to come, we want to make sure you are looking your best. This means you should get plenty of rest and don't try to do this after a night of partying. Be sure to bring several options for clothing, and try to make it so you look like you are dressing for the job you want to get and not the one you have. If you are an independent business person then try to dress as you would want your clients to see you. If you wear glasses make sure they are clean, and be sure to tell the photographer if there are any specific issues such as scars you might want to have removed, or kept in, a favorite side you take your selfies, and other things that will help get the shot you want. See below for some specific tips for men and women.

Headshot tips for Women
One of the big questions for women is whether they should have their hair and makeup done by a professional. Generally speaking, this is a matter of choice. Make up and hair is often a good idea but really depends on the look you are going for. Whether you have this done or do it your self, keep a light hand and as natural looking as possible.
Try to pick colors for your outfits that favor your eye color. Bring 4 - 6 outfits, and make sure there are a few dark tops, black navy charcoal
Pick outfits that you love and you might wear if going to a special occasion
Try to pick things that are mostly form fitting but nothing too puffy or loose. Even if they look good in person they tend not to be flattering in a photo. Think about necklines and what will be appropriate for purpose of photo. You might not want plunging neckline if this is going to be for a job or work photos.
Don't wear jewelry that takes attention away from your face, make sure rings are clean.
If you get any kind of facial treatment try to leave several weeks before photo session
Think about whitening teeth, either with home kits or done professionally.
Nails neat and done, and appropriate color nothing extreme unless for a reason.
Be well rested and depending on timing have a small snack before session, but not a big meal.
Email photographer a few selfies that you like, helps give them an idea of your look, and see your preferences

Headshot tips for Men
For guys, one of the key tips is to wear clothing, sports coat etc, that fits well and is not too tight or loose. Jackets should be dark colors and ties, if worn, should be simple and not too colorful, except if that is a "thing".
Be sure to take care of your skin. Meaning at least a week before shoot gentle cleansing and moisturizing. Keep yourself hydrated and don't take in too much sun.
Stay on top of your grooming. Try to shave close to the session. If you have a certain, "stubble look" be sure to time it so it is just right at session. Keep beards and facial hair properly trimmed. Make sure nails are clean and trimmed, and nose hair trimmed if needed.
Try to get a haircut or trim about a week before session. Probably not the best time to get a completely new look, but rather just keep your current look neat.
Take some time figuring out what you want to wear, and bring a long a few options. Make sure everything is clean and pressed or ironed. Try to pick items that fit you just right and are not too loose or too tight. Just tight is just right
Before your session arrange to send photographer a selfie or two, picking ones that you especially like. This helps the photographer get to know your face a bit, and see which side of the face is your preference.
Be well rested and depending on timing have a small snack before session, but not a big meal